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Making a difference in food security and nutrition | CFS 50

10 Oct 2022 • Rome • Italy
Women selling bowls of seafood at a wet market.

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) was established in 1974 and reformed in 2009 as the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. CFS develops and endorses policy recommendations and guidance on a wide range of food security and nutrition topics.

The 50th Session of the Committee on World Food Security “Making a difference in food security and nutrition” from 10 to 13 October 2022, featured a full-day ministerial segment on coordinating policy responses to the global food crisis. The Plenary discussed two policy products: the Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment and the Policy Recommendations on Promoting Youth Engagement and Employment in Agriculture and Food Systems. Additionally, CFS 50 discussed the 2022 State of Food Security and Nutrition report, reviewed the work of CFS toward 2030, and kickstarted a workstream on data collection and analysis for food security and nutrition.

Blue Foods at CFS 50

CFS Opening Reception

Monday, Oct 10 | 8th floor, FAO HQ

Aquatic blue foods are essential to global food and nutrition security, providing billions of people with protein and essential nutrients that are not easily replaced. They are especially important for coastal and rural communities including those that are highly vulnerable to climate change. However, these resources have been undervalued and overlooked in global food and nutrition dialogues. Efforts are needed to bring aquatic blue foods into food system decision-making and policies.

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Solutions for empowering women’s engagement in aquatic food systems: a journey through the supply chain

Tuesday, Oct 11 | 8:30 – 9:45 CET | Green Room/Hybrid

This side event showcased solutions to empower women and engage young girls in sustainable blue food systems. The discussions included impactful stories on the undervalued but critical role that women play in improving community access to sufficient, safe, nutritious foods that meet dietary needs and food preferences around the world. The empowering “all women event” was moderated by WorldFish’s Global Lead in Nutrition and Public Health and Blue Food Assessment Scientific Leadership Team member, Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, in the form of an interactive debate where the focus will be on different perspectives from low- or middle-income countries as well as high-income countries. The discussions had a particular focus on young women and young girls as small-scale and artisanal food producers, their digital literacy and how this impacts the consumption, processing and production of aquatic foods throughout the supply chain.

Organized by: Sustainable Food from the Oceans and Inland Waters; FAO; WorldFish; Norway; Spain; University of Ghana; Aquatic Blue Food Coalition; China Blue; University of the West Indies; Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute; InFish Network; Mostra Mares da Fin do Mundo

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