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Appetites For Change: The Power of Food

1 Jun 2022 • Stockholm • Sweden
A photo of a fish net in the water with mountains and a blue sky

‘Appetites for Change: The Power of Food’ was a hybrid event that took place virtually and in-person in Stockholm, Sweden, on 1 June 2022 between 10:30-17:30 Central European Summer Time. It was part of the One Planet network Forum, an associated event to the Stockholm+50 international meeting.

About the event:

Nature and food systems are inextricably connected. Together they should thrive and rely on the services each provide. However, we are far from this vision. Food systems today destabilize our planet and fail to provide all people with healthy and nutritious diets that stay within planetary boundaries. Sustainable production, consumption, and the fight against pollution are key thematic areas of the Leadership Dialogues at Stockholm+50. For each, sustainable food systems are highlighted as a key arena in which we may drive interventions that benefit human health, planetary health, and livelihoods.

Stockholm +50 came less than a year after the UN Food Systems Summit, which generated unprecedented awareness on the need to adopt sustainable food systems approaches. The summit led to over 100 countries developing National Pathways for food systems transformation. This event provided a concrete opportunity to continue the amplification of sustainable food systems, and push to integrate them into the UNCCD, UNCBD and UNFCCC Conferences of Parties negotiations and outcomes. Appetites for Change offered space to highlight champion countries, cities, and communities that have implemented critical system-based solutions. With experts, these sessions advanced our understanding of how we may contribute to sustainable food systems that deliver human and planetary prosperity. 

Read more about the event here >

Blue Foods and Indigenous Pathways | Wednesday 1 June 2022 | 15:55 – 16:30 CEST

Focused on bottom-up approaches that are inclusive, accessible and diverse connecting sustainable healthy diets in communities and indigenous groups.

Moderator: Mr. Per Styregård, Journalist

Opening Remarks:

  • Ms. Shakuntala Thilsted, Global Lead Public Health and Nutrition, Worldfish
  • Ms. Rebecca Short, Research Fellow, Blue Food Assessment (Digital)
  • Mr. Tero Mustonen, President, Snowchange Cooperative
  • Mr. Tom Guda, Regional Chairman for Lake Victoria Beach Management Unit Networks of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania

Closing Remarks:

  • Mr. Tom Grasso, Vice President, Climate Resilient Food, EDF

Check out the speakers’ bios >

Watch a recording of the event >